Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I'm Fucking Bad at Blogs

Which is obvious by my constant lack of updates. Maybe winter will bring more news worth reporting. Although since I've waited so long, I have a decent amount of shit to babble about.

1) Strega - Actually, very little to say hear. Not ever sure what's going on. No planned shows, practices cancelled or missing members constantly, lots of stress for little rewards, except that I do actually like the riffs a lot. We'll see how it goes on.

2) Dark Depths - I stopped playing drums because I hate playing drums. Or at least, I wasn't enjoying playing drums in this band. So now I'm playing guitar, and it sounds way more awesome. We got Tyler (formerly of Bully and currently in some other projects I'll hype the shit out of later) playing drums with us now, and he shreds.

3) Aurora Bridge - We've finally started practicing again and things have been getting better and better. It's hard to get really, really long songs done to the point where we our happy with how they sound and how we can play them. Thinking about starting to work on riffs to a second song though. If we ever play more than one song live, you can guarantee we'll be playing for an hour.

4) Elk Ohm - Haven't mentioned this project on here yet because I'm that fucking inept at updating this thing, but I'm really stoked on it. Elk Ohm is Nick, who plays drums in Aurora Bridge as well, this younger dude Evan, who is an effing bass prodigy, and myself playing grungey, sludgey, rockin metal tunes. Essentially the antithesis to the other bands I'm in, but still manages to sound like a band I'm in.

5) Life - Like... my life... not a band named Life... but that'd be cool. Moving into Fbk soon, at least I think, which should be awesome. Sludge shows at Fbk? Maaaybe. I also bought a sweet jacket today, and to subsidize the price of buying new clothing (for the first time in years, at least for non-band attire, feels weird) I had to steal a sweet hat too. So I'm essentially G'd up from the... actually waist up, I need new shoes... and pants...

Well, time to get more stoned.